株式会社ispecがお届け! フルリモートでも安心なGatherスペース
株式会社アカデメイアの代表取締役 十五寛さんがご自慢のGatherスペースをご紹介いたします。
Building remote team culture outside of meetings: A day in CTO Labs’ Gather office
CTO Labs has created a bustling virtual office that fuels collaboration, innovation, and a great work environment. To give you a sense of what it’s like to work day to day in Gather, here’s an inside look at CTO Labs’ virtual HQ.
Quarterly Hackathons to Weekly Meetings: Flywheel Software’s Journey with Gather
Learn more about how Flywheel Software got started with Gather (hackathons!) and hear their best advice for other teams onboarding to a virtual office.
Gather, História de Sucesso: Como o Marvin usa a Gather para Interagir com sua Equipe Híbrida
Conversamos com Marcos, CTO e Co-Fundador, e Ricardo, Diretor Executivo de Estratégia de Parceiros, para saber mais sobre como sua equipe usa a Gather para facilitar interações significativas para sua equipe híbrida.
How Marvin Uses Gather to Interact with Their Hybrid Team
Marvin is revolutionizing B2B payment methods with a hybrid team based in São Paulo, Brazil. Learn how they use Gather to facilitate meaningful interactions for their hybrid team.
How RITE created a virtual office on Gather that inspires and engages their hybrid team
Take a tour through the RITE team's virtual office on Gather. They've intentionally designed their Space to reflect their company values and create a place where all employees can build strong relationships and experience chance encounters with each other.
Como a weme aumentou o engajamento dos funcionários com um espaço de trabalho remoto vibrante na Gather
A weme ajuda seus clientes a transformarem completamente seus negócios. E assim, a weme também transformou seu ecossistema de inovaçãoem uma agradável e altamente integrada comunidade digital na Gather.
How weme increased employee engagement with a joyful remote workspace on Gather
weme transformed their in-person innovation ecosystem to a highly-connected, delightful digital community on Gather. Here’s the story of how they created a joyful culture that inspires connections that employees and clients love to be a part of!
Gather, história de sucesso: Uma conversa com a Redspark
Gather atualizou e transformou a cultura, a produtividade e a capacidade da Redspark de buscar talentos em todo o Brasil. Vamos descobrir como foi feito!
Gather Customer Spotlight: A Conversation with Redspark on Remote Work Culture
We visited Redspark's Gather office to chat with Isabella (“Isa”) Sales, the People Area Manager overseeing culture strategy at Redspark. Isa shared how Gather has upgraded and transformed Redspark’s remote work culture, productivity, and ability to source talent all across Brazil.
How TradeLink enhanced remote company culture with “enjoyable and effective” meetings in Gather
TradeLink scaled their remote company culture thanks to intentional, engaging meeting spaces in their virtual office on Gather. Read more about their onboarding process and tips for other remote teams!